Teeth Whitening vs. Veneers

Teeth Whitening vs. Veneers

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Which is better – Teeth Whitening vs. Veneers? At Bruggeman Dental, we can help you determine which option is ideal for your situation. Our skilled personnel and quality service will keep you satisfied throughout the process. 

Whatever method you choose, we’re confident you’ll be satisfied with the result. Our professionalism and experience at Bruggeman Dental will provide you with peace of mind. We’ll make the process effective and comfortable. Your new smile will reflect a renewed confidence.

Make a call right now. We’ll provide great options to give you a beautiful smile you desire.


It’s Good to Have Options

It can be difficult to choose between teeth whitening and veneers. It would help if you considered the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. We can assist you in analyzing your options and providing competent expert counsel throughout the process.

Dr. Bruggeman has helped countless patients with both of these great options. We’d love the opportunity to help you, and we’re confident that our service will help you smile. 


The Advantages of Teeth Whitening

Whitening your teeth is a less invasive and time-consuming alternative to veneers. Veneers typically necessitate more effort and visits to the dentist. Teeth whitening may also be a less expensive option than veneers. Teeth whitening is a relatively simple treatment. Veneers may require the remodeling of the natural tooth, which takes more time and is less comfortable.


Teeth Whitening Method

We can whiten your teeth using a variety of methods. We can employ heating methods, whitening agents, specialized light, or a combination of all to whiten your teeth. To protect your lips and gums, we’ll use a variety of specific techniques and technologies.

You can also get whitening trays to wear over your teeth. The trays hold a whitening gel against your teeth and deeply whiten the enamel of your teeth. Our teeth-whitening appointments can last as little as 30-60 minutes, allowing you to see immediate results. 

Veneers typically take longer to finish than professional teeth whitening.


Do You Need More Than Just Cosmetic Dentistry?

You might think that the obvious solution is to whiten your teeth. Why would you choose veneers if teeth whitening is faster, easier, and less expensive?

One reason is that tooth whitening only works for a short period of time. Your teeth will discolor and fade over time, even after whitening. Foods and beverages, in addition to natural causes, will discolor and stain teeth. Tooth whitening can also enhance but not eliminate some types of stain.


The Advantages of Veneers

Teeth whitening and veneers can brighten your teeth and raise your confidence, which can help you improve your smile. Veneers can help with a variety of issues in addition to whitening. They can be used to correct crooked, loose, or diseased teeth. And, they can help you improve the size, shape, and spacing of your teeth. Veneers let you keep your natural teeth while also strengthening them. 

Veneers, often constructed of nonporous porcelain, rarely stain. Unlike natural teeth, you should never have to worry about whitening your veneers.


Teeth Whitening vs. Veneers – Which Option is the Most Appropriate for You?

Your decision may be influenced by your budget, the amount of time you want to spend in the dentist’s chair, and the length of time you want your solution to last. The choice is yours, but please let us know if you have questions about either process. 



Consult With the Experts

Give us a call right now for a consultation. We understand that you want the best option for your teeth and smile. Our experts can assist you in making an informed decision.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]